“rapid! PayCard sent two individuals to our August 2014 chapter meeting. The representatives were extremely professional and very well prepared. We were clear that we did not want to have a ‘sales’ pitch. rapid! delivered a very informative look at the paycard industry, regulation changes, and the future of paycards. Our members walked away with a clear understanding of what to look for in a vendor as well as the pros and cons of this vehicle. Questions were answered honestly and clearly. The experience was very positive.”
– Kirk Simmet, President, Southeastern PA Chapter of the American Payroll Association
It is quotes like the above that keep Chris Ruppel, Brian Slowik, Dallas Wilfong and Steve McDonald so busy traveling across the country speaking and educating the payroll industry. Our rapid! speakers are experts in the PayCard industry and strive to meet the demand that is knowing the industry inside and out.
Between Chris, Brian, Dallas and Steve they have more years of experience than they care to admit to. It is because of their extensive experience that they are able to provide unique insights on the following topics:
- What is a PayCard
- Employee Benefits
- Employer Benefits
- Industry Facts & Definitions
- The PayCard Industry
- The Compass Principles and Guiding Values
- Compass Guidelines to Payroll Cards
- NBPCA Letter to the CFPB
- Compliance
Steve McDonald finds that many companies don’t know how simple it is to switch to electronic paycards. He is diligent in working with an organization from start to finish to ensure that the switch to payroll with rapid! PayCard is seamless. “The part of my job that is most rewarding is when I am able to speak to an organization and help them make the switch to electronic payroll.”
“Simple. Smart. Secure.” is the rapid! motto for a reason. The entire rapid! team is dedicated to ensuring that both employee and employer have a wonderful experience implementing and using the rapid! PayCard. “It has to make sense for both the company as a whole and their employees for our service to really be effective,” says Dallas Wilfong. Dallas knows, first hand, that for most companies at the end of the day improving their employees’ payroll experience, and thus, quality of life is key. Saving businesses money is just the icing on the cake. “Knowing that I have saved a payroll administrator time and stress while overall reducing the corporate overhead is extremely fulfilling.” Dallas went on to say.
Brian Slowik has served the payroll industry for over a decade and has watched electronic payroll morph throughout the years as it has continued to improve its components for employees and employers. He has spoken to thousands of industry leaders, payroll administrators and business owners providing education on payroll. Through these engagements, he has always taken the time to listen to the issues payroll staffers face, to ensure that rapid! PayCard is doing its part to better the industry. Between 2011 and 2015 under Brian’s leadership rapid! expanded the number of active paycards by 608%. He has often been called the face of the industry and is a highly sought-after speaker.
“Brian Slowik is a very good speaker. He is engaging.”
– Jim Medlock, Director of Education and Training, APA
To learn more about our speakers or the payroll industry please invite us to speak at your next event!
The information contained in this article and any other article do not reflect the views of rapid! PayCard®.