UniRush LLC, a provider of consumer financial services, including the Visa RushCard prepaid debit card and the rapid! PayCard, announced today that industry veteran Ron Hynes has been appointed CEO. Hynes previously served as executive vice president of global prepaid solutions at MasterCard Worldwide and, most recently, as president of global markets at Mozido.
“Ron Hynes is one of the most qualified and respected leaders in the prepaid payments industry. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hire him to lead our company,” said RushCard Co-Founder Russell Simmons. “Ron shares the same values and beliefs as me—that too many American families are left without real access to financial services and therefore lack the ability to effectively participate and thrive in the economy. At UniRush, we work each and every day to change that paradigm by delivering access, value, convenience and security to millions of Americans who find themselves disillusioned with traditional banking products and services. Under Ron’s leadership, I am convinced we will continue to grow and innovate while providing consumer focused financial services that all types of customers can benefit from.”
Hynes, who was named a Paybefore 2014 Industry Achievement winner, said: “I am a fervent believer in the company’s mission of providing effective tools and services to millions of consumers that will enable them to fully access the modern economy. RushCard is a pioneer in the industry and is well-positioned for continued growth. I look forward to being a part of this company’s future successes and achievements.”
Hynes has a deep and tenured background in the payments industry, including more than a decade driving the global evolution and growth of prepaid. During his career, he has served in a variety of leadership roles, including as a founding board member of the Network Branded Prepaid Card Association.
The appointment of Hynes follows a high-profile settlement between UniRush and cardholders who were affected during a service disruption last October.
This piece originally appeared on paybefore.com.
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