For almost 15 years, the professionals at rapid! PayCard® have endeavored to provide employers with innovative, responsive payroll card programs that effectively support their companies and enable them to remain compliant.
At the same time, we recognize that this is a contribution to the long-standing tradition of industrious Americans who pursue dreams — of all shapes and sizes. Facilitating the compensation they so richly deserve gives our team a tremendous sense of pride; we make certain we never lose sight of the magnitude of this responsibility.
For this National Payroll Week 2016, celebrated from September 5-9, the American Payroll Association describes the annual event:
National Payroll Week celebrates the hard work by America’s 150 million wage earners and the payroll professionals who pay them. Together, through the payroll withholding system, they contribute, collect, report and deposit approximately $2.2 trillion, or 67%, of the annual revenue of the U.S. Treasury.
According to the APA’s Executive Director, Dan Maddux:
“National Payroll Week is an ideal opportunity to thank your company’s payroll department for their hard work. Their efforts help ensure that paychecks are accurate and on time.”
Facts About National Payroll Week:
- The American Payroll Association founded National Payroll Week in 1996.
- National Payroll Week coincides with the celebration of Labor Day. This special week celebrates the economic, cultural, and social achievements of workers and the significance of “an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.”
- AMERICA WORKS BECAUSE WE’RE WORKING FOR AMERICA®—NPW celebrates the unique partnership among America’s workers, our companies, the payroll professionals who pay us, and critical government programs such as social security, Medicare, fair labor standards, and child support. Together, through payroll withholding, we contribute and collect 68% of U.S. Treasury revenue.
- NPW is a national campaign to help America’s workers understand more about their paychecks, the payroll withholding system and other payroll-driven benefits.
- During NPW, local APA chapters and members host presentations to school and civic groups, participate in community service initiatives, and use local media to pass along information to today’s workers and the workers of tomorrow.
- In 2000, APA created a year-round touchstone,, to provide workers with valuable information about their paychecks, withholding, the payroll industry and celebrating National Payroll Week.
Take The National Payroll Week Survey
As a Platinum Sponsor of National Payroll Week 2016, we invite you to share the traditional survey with friends and family and co-workers to help the APA place the payroll profession in the national spotlight.
Participants are eligible to win the survey grand prize of a free paycheck and a trip to Las Vegas. Click here for more information and here to take the survey.
At rapid! PayCard® our customers are the heart of our business: 100% of our resources are dedicated to creating a positive experience for them. We currently provide our services to companies across the U.S. whose combined employees number more than 450,000.
We celebrate this partnership of payroll professionals, supportive government programs, and hard-working Americans everywhere. Together we thrive.
The information contained in this article and any other article do not reflect the views of rapid! PayCard®. The opinions, conclusions and other information expressed are neither given nor endorsed by rapid! PayCard® or its representatives, but provided for the sole purpose of presenting updates on current research in this sector.